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Introducing: The European Network of National Civil Society Associations (ENNA)
In a globalised world, working across borders is more important than ever. Civil society organisations can play a unique role in reaching citizens and serve as a key link to governments and business in an inclusive democracy.
Our vision is of a Europe of strong civil society organisations where all people can achieve their potential by fully participating in their communities and in contributing to the decisions that affect them.
We work together as national cross-sectoral civil society associations to develop, support and provide voice across Europe for civil society organizations for the benefit of the millions of people that they serve and represent.
Read more about ENNA >

Latest News
Action 1 - Measure 1.2: Networks of Twinned Towns
Results of the selection published
11 May 2011
Action 1 - Measure 1.1: Town Twinning Citizens Meetings
Results of the selection published
29 Apr 2011
The new "Europe for citizens" programme guide ? valid as of 1st March 2011.
21 Mar 2011
Action 2 "Active civil society in Europe" - Measure 3 "Support to projects initiated by civil society organisations"
The submission deadline has been extended! The new submission deadline is Tuesday 15th February 2011 at 12h00 (midday) CET
27 Jan 2011
Action 2 - Measures 1 and 2: Call for proposals EACEA 21/2010 - Results of the selection published
03 Feb 2011